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Image by Benjamin Dada

Our Search Ads, Your Search Domination

Attract High-Intent Customers with Search Advertising

The average return on ad spend is 2:1

Investing in search advertising can yield significant returns for your business. As businesses earn an average of $2 in revenue for every $1 spent on Google Ads, our team of experts will create and manage campaigns that maximize your ROI, ensuring you stay ahead of the competition.

Target Your Ideal Audience with Precision

An impressive 64.6% of individuals click on Google Ads while searching online for a product to purchase.

Search advertising enables you to reach potential customers who are actively seeking products or services like yours. By capturing those precious clicks from users ready to make a purchase, our strategic campaigns help you connect with your target market and drive sales.

Google Ads Agency
PPC Marketing Services

Increase Your Brand Visibility Through Search Advertising

Did you know that nearly 50% of clicks are directed towards the top three paid ads displayed on search results pages? By leveraging our expertise in search advertising, we create campaigns that help your brand gain a prominent position in search results, increasing visibility and driving more potential customers to your website.

Understanding Paid Search Advertising

Paid search advertising is a method of attracting targeted traffic to your website through sponsored listings on search engines. Here at LeaseMyMarketing, we specialize in creating precise, well-crafted ads that appear when specific keywords are searched, providing you with high visibility on search engine results pages.

Image by Benjamin Dada

Benefits of Paid Search Advertising for Your Business

In an intensely competitive digital environment, paid search advertising offers a swift and effective way to boost your brand visibility and reach your target audience. Capitalizing on the power of search engines like Google, paid search advertising brings a host of benefits to your business:

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Immediate visibility

Unlike organic search that requires time to rank, paid search advertising propels your business to the top of search engine results almost instantly. This means your brand gains immediate exposure to a vast audience, ready to engage with your offerings.

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Increased reach with targeted advertising

By using targeted keywords and keyword groups, we ensure your ads are displayed to users who are actively searching for your products or services. This highly targeted approach means that your ads reach the right people at the right time, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

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Geographical and demographic targeting

With paid search, you can specify the geographical locations and demographic groups your ads are shown to. This granular targeting helps you focus your advertising efforts on the most relevant audience, optimizing your ad spend.

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Cost control

With paid search, you have complete control over your advertising budget. You can set maximum bid amounts, daily budgets, and adjust your spending based on the performance of your ads.

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Measurable results and easy optimization

One of the greatest advantages of paid search advertising is its measurability. Tools like Google Analytics enable us to track key metrics such as clicks, impressions, and conversions. This data allows us to continuously optimize your ads for better performance and higher ROI.

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Brand exposure

Even if users don’t click on your ads, appearing at the top of the search results increases your brand's exposure. This helps build brand awareness and credibility among potential customers.

Components of Paid Search Advertising

Paid search advertising is not just setting up ads but also a nuanced process with multiple components that work together to deliver successful results. At LeaseMyMarketing, we use a systematic approach to paid search advertising, which includes:

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Keyword research

This is the foundation of any paid search campaign. We conduct thorough keyword research using tools like Google Keyword Planner to identify the most valuable keywords and keyword ideas that your target audience is searching for.

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Competitor keyword analysis

Understanding your competitors' keywords is an essential part of our strategy. With our competitor keyword analysis, we examine the keywords your competitors are ranking for in organic search and paid ads. This helps us identify any keyword gaps—keywords that your competitors are ranking for, but you are not. By filling these gaps, we can help improve your visibility in Google search results and drive more traffic to your site.

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SEO competitor analysis

In addition to keyword research and competitor keyword analysis, we also conduct an in-depth SEO competitor analysis. This involves analyzing the overall SEO strategy of your competitors, including their site structure, backlink profile, and content strategy. This comprehensive analysis helps us understand the competitive landscape and devise an effective SEO strategy for your business.

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Ad creation

Creating effective ads involves crafting compelling copy and choosing the right keywords. We use the insights gained from our keyword research, competitor keyword analysis, and understanding of search intent to craft compelling ads that resonate with your target audience.

Whether they're using Google search to compare products or ready to make a purchase, our ads are designed to meet your audience at their stage of the buyer's journey.

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Ad formats

Creating engaging and effective ads involves selecting the right ad formats. Whether it's text, image, video, or rich media, we choose the ad format that best showcases your business and resonates with your target audience. Our team stays updated with the latest ad formats in Google Ads and other platforms, ensuring your ads look modern and appealing.

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Landing page optimization

The landing page is where your audience ends up after clicking your ad. We ensure these pages are optimized with relevant keywords and offer a seamless user experience to increase the likelihood of conversions.

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Campaign management

Managing a paid search campaign involves setting up the campaign structure, setting bids, and managing the budget. We handle all these tasks and more to make ensure your campaign is optimized for success.

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Account structure

A well-structured account is crucial for effective campaign management and performance analysis. We organize your account into distinct campaigns and ad groups, each with a specific set of keywords and ads. This structure makes it easy to monitor performance, make necessary adjustments, and identify content gaps in your strategy.

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Performance analysis and optimization

Performance analysis and optimization are crucial for the success of your paid search campaigns. We use Google Analytics and other free tools to track key metrics like clicks, impressions, and conversions. This data not only helps us measure the effectiveness of your ads but also provides insights for ongoing optimization.

For instance, if we have keyword data to identify content gaps in your keyword strategy or find competitors keywords that could be valuable, we can adjust your campaigns accordingly.



We provide regular reports that give you insights into how your campaign is performing. These reports include key metrics like click-through rates (CTR), cost per click (CPC), and conversion rates.

Advanced Paid Search Advertising Strategies

When it comes to paid search advertising, using advanced strategies can provide a significant edge. At LeaseMyMarketing, we employ sophisticated tactics to maximize the effectiveness and ROI of your campaigns.

Ad Auction and Bidding Strategies

One of the fundamental aspects of a successful paid search campaign is understanding the Google ads auction system and developing effective bidding strategies for it. At LeaseMyMarketing, we excel in both and more:

The ad auction process

We understand the complex process of how Google and other search engines determine which ads to display and their placement on the result pages. Our strategies are tailored to increase the chances of your ads winning the auction and securing a prime spot.

Strategic bid management

We employ a variety of bidding strategies based on your unique business goals. Whether it's maximizing clicks, focusing on return on ad spend (ROAS), targeting cost per acquisition (CPA), or improving visibility, we choose the most effective strategy to optimize your campaign performance.

Effective bidding on high competition keywords

High competition keywords often have a higher cost-per-click (CPC) but can also yield significant returns due to their high search volume. We utilize our expertise to craft a bidding strategy that secures these lucrative keywords without exhausting your budget.

Optimizing for low competition keywords

Low competition keywords can offer a great ROI as they have lower CPC but can still target a highly relevant audience. We identify these opportunities and incorporate these less competitive, but highly valuable, keywords into your campaign.

Automated bidding

We leverage automated bidding strategies where appropriate. These strategies utilize machine learning to optimize for conversions or conversion value in each and every auction—a feature known as "auction-time bidding.

Manual bidding

For campaigns where we need more control, we use manual bidding. This allows us to adjust bids on the fly based on the performance data and make the most out of your advertising budget.

Bid adjustments

Our strategic bid management involves setting initial bids and making adjustments based on ad performance. We closely monitor key metrics and adjust your bids to maximize ROI. Whether it's increasing bids for high-performing keywords or reducing bids for underperforming ones, our bid adjustments ensure your ad spend is always optimized.

Strategic use of target keywords

Your target keywords are the core of your paid search campaign. We ensure these keywords are effectively utilized in your ads and are bid on strategically to maximize visibility and conversions.

Balancing paid keywords with organic search

While paid search advertising can deliver immediate results, it's crucial to balance this with organic search strategies. We ensure that your paid keywords complement your organic search efforts, creating a comprehensive search marketing strategy.

Competitor keyword analysis

By doing competitive analysis and understanding the keywords your competitors are bidding on, we can uncover new opportunities and gaps in your market. This competitor keyword analysis informs our strategy, helping us outbid competitors and secure valuable ad placements.

Our in-depth understanding of the ad auction process and mastery of bidding strategies ensure your ads get the visibility they deserve while staying within your budget.

Image by charlesdeluvio

Advanced Techniques and Specialized Approaches in Paid Search Advertising

While the fundamentals of paid search advertising can set the stage for success, mastering the finer details can give you a significant edge over your competition. At LeaseMyMarketing, we utilize a variety of advanced techniques and specialized approaches to maximize the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Ad scheduling for optimized ad timing

Timing can be a crucial factor in the effectiveness of your ads. By strategically scheduling your ads to appear during peak hours or days for your industry or business, we can capture high-intent traffic and boost your conversions.

Dynamic search ads for customized campaigns

For businesses with a large variety of products or services, we utilize Dynamic Search Ads. These ads are automatically generated based on the content of your website, ensuring that your ads match the vast range of searches potential customers might be making.

Google shopping ads for visual impact

If your business offers products, Google Shopping Ads can help your products stand out. These ads show users a photo of your product, a title, price, and store name right on the search results page, making it easier for potential customers to make a purchase decision.

Local service ads for localized reach

For service businesses operating in specific areas, we use Local Service Ads. This helps you connect directly with local customers actively searching for the services you offer, increasing your local visibility and business.

Match types and negative keywords for precise targeting

We understand the importance of precision in keyword matching. We use a mix of exact, phrase, and broad match types to maximize your reach, and employ negative keywords to prevent your ads from showing up for irrelevant search terms.

Conversion tracking and attribution models for performance analysis

We set up conversion tracking to measure the success of your campaign, tracking key actions like purchases or sign-ups. Using attribution models, we understand the customer journey and the role of different keywords and ads in driving conversions.

Automated and manual Bidding for optimal performance

We leverage both automated and manual bidding strategies to get the most out of your advertising budget. Automated bidding uses machine learning to optimize conversions in each auction, while manual bidding gives us the flexibility to adjust bids based on performance data.

Balancing paid keywords with organic search for an all-inclusive strategy

We believe in the power of a balanced search marketing strategy. While paid search advertising can yield immediate results, we ensure it complements your organic search efforts, creating a well-rounded approach to your online presence.

Competitor keyword analysis for strategic advantage

We do intensive research into the keywords your competitors are using to understand their strategy. By using competitor keyword research and identifying gaps and opportunities, we inform our own strategy to help you outperform competitors and secure valuable ad placements.

Why Choose LeaseMyMarketing for Your Paid Search Advertising Needs?

As a full-scale digital marketing company, we understand the intricacies of paid search advertising. Our unique approach and dedicated services make us the perfect partner for your paid search advertising needs.

Competitor keyword analysis expertise

Our thorough analysis of your competition provides insights that inform strategic decisions to help your ads outperform those of your competitors.

In-depth understanding of search volume

We keep a close eye on search volume for different keywords. This allows us to identify high-impact keywords and optimize your ads to reach a larger audience at the right moments.

Unmatched proficiency in search engine algorithms

Our team stays up-to-date with the latest search engine algorithms. This knowledge allows us to optimize your ads and ensure they rank high in search engine results.

Innovative keyword ideas

We don't just rely on popular keywords; we also get creative. Our team generates innovative keyword ideas to ensure your ads reach every potential customer, even those using less common search terms.

Transparent reporting

We provide you with regular, detailed reports that give you insights into your campaign performance. These reports include key metrics like click-through rates (CTR), cost per click (CPC), and conversion rates, as well as detailed information about the keywords driving traffic to your site.

We strive to incorporate the most important keywords wherever they fit naturally and provide the most value. We also use the complete keyword list to guide our strategy and ensure we're targeting a broad range of search terms relevant to your business. Our aim is to maximize your visibility in Google search results and drive high-intent customers and organic traffic to your website.

Personalized customer service

Our clients are our priority. We provide personalized customer service, ensuring all your needs are met promptly and professionally.

Click fraud prevention

As part of our comprehensive services, we also provide click fraud prevention. Click fraud can waste your ad spend and skew your performance data. We use advanced techniques to detect and prevent fraudulent clicks, ensuring your ad budget is spent on genuine, high-intent users.

Choose LeaseMyMarketing for your paid search advertising needs and let us help you maximize your ROI. Get in touch with us today.

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