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Top 11 Mistakes You Should Avoid On Your Website

Creating a successful website is a complex task, and there's much more to it than meets the eye. 

If you’re thinking of building or designing a website, one of the first questions to ask is: "What should you avoid on your website?" 

This is crucial because, in web design, certain design mistakes can significantly hinder your site's effectiveness and appeal.

In this article, we're diving deep into the 11 most common website mistakes to avoid in web design. 

Whether you're a seasoned web designer or a business owner venturing into the digital world, understanding these pitfalls can save you from future headaches. 

Key Takeaways

  • Effective web design balances aesthetics with functionality, ensuring a site is user-friendly, responsive, and communicates effectively with its audience.

  • Avoid common web design pitfalls like slow loading speeds, non-responsive layouts, and poor navigation to enhance user experience and SEO performance.

  • Regularly conducting user research and addressing web security is essential to creating a successful, engaging, and trustworthy website.

Understanding Web Design Basics

A team working on a website design project

Web design is an art form that goes beyond mere aesthetics. It's about creating a functional, user-friendly, and engaging online presence that resonates with your target audience. 

To understand web design, you need to grasp the balance between visual elements and usability. Doing so ensures that each aspect of your site serves a purpose and enhances the overall experience.

In its core, web design is about effective communication. Think of a good design as something that guides users naturally through the flow of the website, making their journey intuitive and effortless. 

This requires a deep understanding of user needs, the latest trends, and the technical aspects that make a website both visually appealing and responsive, fast, and accessible across different devices and operating systems.

What Should You Avoid on Your Website?

A woman showing a confused look

In the digital world, where first impressions are crucial, knowing what to avoid on your website is just as important as knowing what to include. 

This section delves into the most common web design mistakes that can negatively impact your website's effectiveness, user experience, and search engine ranking.


Rest assured, we'll cover all the pitfalls that every website owner, designer, and developer should be wary of, so make sure to read until the end.

1. Slow website speed

Slow page load time is among the biggest web design mistakes since this can lead to poor user experience and negatively impact visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs).

In today's fast-paced digital world, where instant gratification is the norm, a website that loads slowly can be a major turn-off for potential customers. This is especially true for mobile users, who often face varying internet speeds and connectivity issues. 

A slow-loading website can deter these users significantly, leading to a decrease in mobile traffic, which is a large portion of web traffic today.

To combat slow page load times, you can start by optimizing website images. High-resolution images can drastically slow down your site, so compressing them without losing quality is essential. 

Additionally, be mindful of the scripts and plugins you use. Overloading your site with too many features can bog down its performance. 

Using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) can also be a game-changer. CDNs distribute your site’s load, making content delivery faster and more efficient, even during times of bad internet connection.

2. Non-responsive design 

These days, mobile users are a dominant force in internet traffic, so having a non-responsive website design can be a critical mistake. This makes having a responsive website an absolute necessity. 

As web designers, it's essential to ensure that your website delivers a seamless user experience across all mobile devices, be it mobile phones, tablets, or desktops. This adaptability is crucial in a world where the type of device used to access the internet varies widely.

Make the mistake of having a non-responsive design, and you’re in for many headaches. This includes poor mobile experience that can significantly reduce the likelihood of potential customers staying on your site. 

In e-commerce websites, this could mean the difference between a sale and a lost opportunity.

So, what do you do to have a responsive design

Besides shrinking your web pages to fit a smaller screen, you’ll also need to rethink how your site's content and structure are presented on different devices to minimize interaction costs and maximize usability. 

Simply put, it's about finding the sweet spot between maintaining the aesthetic appeal of your site and ensuring it functions effectively for the user.

3. Poor user navigation

A man showing frustration due to the site's poor user navigation

One of the biggest web design mistakes that many website owners make is creating a site with a complicated layout. 

When your site is complicated, it makes it challenging for users to find the information they need. The result? A poor user experience could potentially drive visitors away.

To create a user-friendly website, it's essential to implement straightforward navigation. This involves designing a well-structured menu that allows visitors to easily browse through different sections of your site. 

Clear internal links are another essential element since these guide users seamlessly from one page to another and help them find relevant content without frustration. The same goes when you have logical page titles and thoughtfully organized website pages.

One last thing to remember when designing websites is to consider the layout from the perspective of your target customers. 

Conducting user research and utilizing website metrics from tools like Google Analytics can provide invaluable insights into how visitors interact with your site.

This data can inform decisions about the placement of your search bar, the arrangement of content on your landing page, and the overall flow of your site.

A common website mistake is having too many links on a single page or a cluttered layout that overwhelms the visitor. It's essential to strike the right balance. Remember, in web design, simplicity and clarity often lead to the best user journeys.

4. Weak or missing calls to action

Here’s another critical web design mistake to steer clear of—overlooking the importance of strong and clear Calls to Action (CTAs). 

Your website is a platform designed to encourage specific actions, whether that's making a purchase, subscribing to a newsletter, or contacting your business. A lack of compelling CTAs can lead to missed opportunities, failing to convert website traffic into tangible results despite attracting a significant number of visitors.

Besides commanding, effective CTAs are strategically positioned and created to resonate with the visitor's needs and interests. This involves using persuasive language, visually striking design elements, and strategic placement, like on the landing page or within engaging content.

Each CTA should be effectively communicating the value proposition to your potential customers. When you do this right, you’ll guide your website visitors smoothly through their user journey on your website. This is key to converting site visitors into loyal customers.

5. Neglecting SEO basics

Search engines are like the main highways leading potential customers directly to your website. Overlooking its fundamentals makes it among the most common web design mistakes to avoid.

Basic SEO principles, such as the proper use of meta tags and incorporation of keyword-rich content, are essential for enhancing your visibility on SERPs. Failure to adhere to these can significantly reduce your site's chances of being discovered.

Meta tags, for instance, provide search engines with concise information about the content of your web pages, influencing how your pages are represented in search results. 

Additionally, creating content that naturally integrates relevant keywords can greatly improve website authority and relevance in the eyes of search engines. This, in turn, can elevate your rankings. 

It's also crucial to remember that SEO extends to visual content. By optimizing images with appropriate file sizes and alt text, you can enhance page loading speed, as well as make your site more accessible and understandable to search engines.

6. Providing inadequate contact information

The words 'Contact Me' written on a piece of paper

It's surprisingly common to see many websites, especially newer ones, falling short in one crucial area:

Providing clear and accessible contact information. If you're a business owner, this aspect of your website is more important than you might think. 

Ensuring that your redesigned or new website includes a well-detailed contact page with your email address, phone number, and physical address (if relevant) is a key factor in building trust and credibility with your website visitors.

Think about it from the perspective of someone visiting your site. If they're interested in your services or products but can't quickly find a way to reach out or ask questions, they're likely to move on to another site. 

Listing your contact details is just the beginning. You also need to keep them updated and ensure they reflect the current status of your business. This is especially important for ecommerce websites, where customer service can make or break a sale. 

7. Mismanaging external and internal links

When it comes to designing a website, one other common website mistake many website owners and web designers make is the inappropriate use of internal and external links. 

While linking to outside content can be beneficial, it's vital to use these links wisely. Excessive or poorly placed external links can lead visitors away from your site too quickly and disrupt their engagement, increasing your website's bounce rate.

Conversely, internal links, which guide visitors to other pages within your website, are essential for maintaining engagement and encouraging exploration of your content. However, like external links, they must be relevant and strategically placed to be effective.

To avoid this web design mistake, ensure that internal and external links are relevant to your content and add value to your visitor's experience. It's also a good practice to have these links open in a new tab, keeping your website open and easily accessible for users. 

Lastly, a senior product designer and a web developer should also conduct countless research to ascertain the most strategic placement of these links. Remember, each web page on your site should keep visitors engaged and direct them to explore more of your content.

8. Irrelevant pop-ups

Irrelevant pop-ups are among the top website design mistakes that can frustrate and alienate your website visitors. While pop-ups can be an effective tool for capturing attention or promoting offers, when used inappropriately, they can be a major turn-off for users. 

Irrelevant or excessive pop-ups disrupt the user journey, often leading to a poor user experience and a higher likelihood of visitors leaving your site.

To ensure pop-ups are effectively communicating rather than annoying, they should be relevant to the content of your website and the interests of your target audience. 

Website owners should leverage tools like Google Analytics to understand user behavior and preferences, tailoring pop-up messages accordingly. On top of that, consider the timing and frequency of these pop-ups to avoid overwhelming your visitors. 

A mobile-friendly website should also account for how these pop-ups appear on mobile devices, ensuring they don't obstruct content or navigation. 

By being mindful of the use and relevance of pop-ups, you can maintain a balance between promotional tactics and a seamless user experience.

9. Ignoring website analytics

Overlooking the power of tools like Google Analytics in web design is among the most common website design mistakes that can cost you dearly. 

Think about these website metric tools as your eyes and ears into how visitors interact with your web pages. They provide crucial insights into user behavior, revealing what works well and what doesn't on your site. Neglecting these can lead to missed opportunities.

Regular analysis of your website's performance through these tools can unveil tons of information—from which web pages are most frequented to how long visitors stay on your site, and even how they navigate through it. 

This is exactly the data you need to help you identify common web design mistakes and pinpoint specific areas that need improvement. 

For instance, if a particular web page has a high bounce rate, it might indicate that the content is not meeting the expectations set by search results or meta descriptions.

Moreover, Google Analytics can guide you in making your site more mobile-friendly, a crucial factor in today’s browsing environment. It can show you how different pages perform on various mobile devices. Thanks to this, you can make informed decisions on design elements and layout.

10. Failing to address web security

Here’s another critical website mistake to avoid: Neglecting website security.

Nowadays, it’s imperative to understand that website security is no longer an option but a necessity. 

Ensuring that your website is equipped with an HTTPS certificate is fundamental in safeguarding user data and establishing trust with your visitors. This is especially vital for websites that handle sensitive information or any site that requires user logins.

What happens if you don’t have a solid security measure? Answer: Data breaches.

Besides compromising user information, this can also significantly damage your website’s credibility and trustworthiness. Visitors are becoming increasingly aware of online security issues, and many will immediately leave a site if they notice a lack of security features. 

The result? Loss of traffic, reduced engagement, and, ultimately, a decline in conversions or sales.

On top of that, search engines now factor in website security as a critical element when determining search results rankings. A secure, HTTPS-encrypted website is more likely to gain a higher position on search result pages, increasing its visibility to potential visitors. 

In contrast, a web design mistake like failing to provide adequate security can harm your site's ranking, making it less likely to be found by your target customers.

11. Lack of user research

Ignoring the importance of user research is also one of the most common web design mistakes to avoid. When designing a website, understanding your target audience is a must because that’s the only way you can create a website that truly resonates with your users. 

Without proper user research, you risk creating a website based on assumptions rather than actual user data. This can lead to design choices that don’t effectively communicate with your intended audience. 

The result? A website that fails to engage or meet the expectations of its visitors. 

For example, a mobile site that isn’t designed with the mobile user in mind can result in a poor user experience. This can be detrimental given the increasing reliance on mobile devices for web browsing.

In addition, user research can inform crucial aspects of web design such as the layout of multiple pages, the placement and wording of CTAs, the type of content featured, and how social media accounts are integrated. 

By understanding how visitors scan and interact with a website, designers can avoid common web design mistakes and create more intuitive and user-friendly websites.


Creating or revamping a website is quite the journey, especially since it’s filled with a whole bunch of important design choices. 

Designing a website is about making sure it plays well with mobile devices, ensuring it's super user-friendly, and getting it to pop up on search engines. There's a whole checklist to tick off, but you know what? It's all worth it.

Avoiding those all-too-common web design mistakes can really amp up how people interact with your site. Plus, it can give your site's performance a nice little boost in those search engine results. 

The endgame? It’s crafting a website that’s a treat for the eyes and also works like a charm, is easy to use, and gets what both you and your visitors need. Remember, it’s all about nailing that perfect mix of cool looks and practicality.

Web Design Solutions at LeaseMyMarketing

Taking on the challenge of creating or redesigning a website can be a bit of a head-scratcher, right? That's where LeaseMyMarketing comes in. 

As a full-service digital marketing agency, our team ensures your mobile site is optimized for all devices, steering clear of common pitfalls like cluttered layouts or confusing navigation that can turn visitors away.

So, if you’re ready to give your website the makeover it deserves, give us a call today. Let's ditch those design mistakes and create something awesome. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What should you avoid when making a website?

When making a website, it's crucial to avoid a cluttered layout, slow loading times, and poor navigation. Overlooking mobile optimization and ignoring SEO principles can also significantly hinder a site's effectiveness and reach. 

What should a website not do?

A website should not overwhelm visitors with excessive pop-ups or advertisements, nor should it present confusing navigation that leads to a frustrating user experience. It should not ignore mobile optimization or fail to comply with web accessibility standards. 

Furthermore, a website should not have outdated content or broken links that diminish its credibility and functionality.

What are the good features of a website?

Good features of a website include a clean, user-friendly design, fast loading times, mobile responsiveness, clear calls to action, and well-organized content. Effective SEO and accessibility compliance are also key.

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